Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Farewell olive.

The olive tree had to go to fit the carport in. I shall soon be parking here and finally closing on this sweet home.


Ashley said...

Oh my god, you still haven't closed?

betsy said...

Ha!! No, in May it will be 2 years in escrow. But I am getting a free retaining wall, loooong driveway, and a two car carport.

Patty Purviss said...

I'm allegedly allergic to olive trees. Many thanks.

yarnwhore said...

Soon I will officially be living in your pied-a-terre (I'm not figuring out how to do accents on this thing). Yay!

And Lowe's is delivering everything next Friday (the 4th). Clean undies!

yarnwhore said...

And if you want olive trees, there are plenty at Oxy up the road. That's where you got sick because of Nine Inch Nails (?) or am I misremembering the band?